Pirarucu Skin Custom Cowboy Boots

Pirarucu Skin Custom Cowboy Boots

Are you considering expanding your footwear collection with a custom pair of pirarucu skin cowboy boots? If you’re visiting Las Vegas, take advantage of your time in Sin City by ordering a handmade pair at Old Country. When completed, you’ll be the envy of all your friends and family as you show off your bespoke footwear featuring this unique look and design.

What Is Pirarucu Leather?

The pirarucu is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. Its native habitat is the Amazon, where it can grow up to six to ten feet in length. Its skin grows in multiple layers of large, diamond-shaped scales to ward off bites from the piranha, which means its skin is both unique in appearance and just as durable as cowhide. You will recognize pirarucu due to its well-defined repeating scales that set it apart from other fish and reptilian leathers.

How Do You Take Care Of Pirarucu Boots?

While the pirarucu is a fish, its leather is not naturally waterproof. Avoid getting your custom cowboy boots wet. Remove dirt using a soft brush, and remember to wipe under the tips of the scales. Your boot care supplies should include these items.

  • Cedar Boot Trees
  • Soft Bristle Brush
  • Soft Cloth
  • Exotic Leather Conditioner
  • Leather Waterproofing Agent

Is Pirarucu An Eco-friendly Leather?

Pirarucu is an eco-friendly leather option. While the pirarucu was listed as a threatened species just 25 years ago, its population has rebounded to over 200,000 in recent years, making it eligible as a food and leather source. The local Amazonian fishermen are paid a premium to harvest the leather of the pirarucu as well as its meat to help support the economy and reduce the impact on other fish populations.

Crafting Bespoke Pirarucu Boots To Your Specifications & Desires

This uncommon leather produces a pair of boots that will stand out in any crowd. Best of all, you’ll get to make a statement in the exact way that suits your personal style. As with every boot we make, you’ll be able to choose the style of the toe, heel, shaft, stitching, and scalloping detail.

Call To Schedule Your Handmade Boot Fitting Today

If you’re in the Las Vegas area and wish to add a pair of custom pirarucu cowboy boots to your closet, schedule a personal consultation with Old Country. Together, we will select the piece of leather destined to become your boots, take measurements, and review all of your style options. Your bespoke fitting will result in a high-quality pair unlike any others you see on the street—call us today.


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Custom Fit & Craftsmanship

All of our creations are custom and made to order. When you choose Old Country, you are choosing superior quality and a one-of-a-kind experience. Learn more about how we make our custom, handmade cowboy boots right here in Las Vegas. 

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